The Power of a Significant Adult: Building Resilience and Enriching a Child's Life

Whether it's a parent, guardian, mentor, or teacher, having a caring and supportive figure can shape a child's development in transformative ways. This blog post explores the importance of being that significant adult and how it contributes to building resilience and improving a child's overall well-being.

Being an Expat and leaving your village behind

We’ve all heard the old African proverb ‘it takes a village to raise a child’ and it is absolutely spot on. But the village that we grew up in, just thirty or forty years ago doesn’t look anything like the village that our kids are navigating today and relationships are changing because of it.

Connection With Our Teens

As adults what we need to understand is their very DNA is fighting to pull away from us to identify with their peer group (it’s how we have survived as a species, without it we would still have life at home) This is hard for them, although they are desperate to belong to the new group too.

How To Handle Back Chat

All kids back chat, some more than others! For my kids, it happens when they don’t want to do something, I have asked them to do or if they are tired/hungry. What does it mean when they backchat? It doesn’t mean they don’t love us. Often, it just means they’re struggling.

The hardest things about parenting:

Lets face it Parenting is hard!  I have been a psychotherapist for over 25 years and specialise in managing a child's or teens behaviour and emotional struggles, yet my hardest role is managing my own kids! Of course it is. We never got a manual with our first born and if we did we would have to rip it up and start again when the next one came along. 

Lasting impact of COVID on our kids!

Little ones that are struggling with separation anxiety still  I have children in years 1 & 2 that didn't get the socialisation skills in reception Kids in years 5 & 6 that missed out on foundational skills in many areas such as maths and english, ahead of their SATS this year 

Top Tips To Getting Out In The Morning With The Kids But Without The Stress

Image source: Pixabay What’s the most stressful part of your day with the kids? Earlier in the week, I asked this question in my Facebook group. And getting out in the mornings came out top. There are lots of things that we can do to make it easier. But one thing we know for sure is if we’re stressed they’re stressed. If we can make our morning easier, then it follows suit that theirs will be easier too. How to keep your cool I try most mornings to get up before the ...

Where It All Started For The Resilient Kid

Did you know that you can ask any questions? We even have an anonymous button, there is no judgment, no shame, and no perfect parent in the Resilient Kid group. I have been a therapist for over 20 years for kids and teens, and I make mistakes all the time.

The Benefits Of Being Outdoors In Nature Part 2

Children learn from us as role models and through their own experiences and through their senses. When indoors, your children’s senses are more limited but when outside, aside from being stimulated by the beauty of nature, they can feel the sun (or cold air) on their skin and the force of the wind

The Benefits Of Being Outdoors In Nature Part 1

Since the lockdowns of the pandemic, many of us have realized that nature and being outdoors is crucial to our wellbeing and health. We have also started to learn that we are all vulnerable at some point. A 2018 survey by the Mental Health Foundation found that almost three-quarters (74%)


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